Spiced Cider Sangria

Spiced Cider Sangria

Every family has its quirks and weirdness. My family may just have more than our share, but I love them anyway! When serving spiced apple cider to our kids when they were younger, we called it “Spider”. SPIced ciDER. Get it? Mash-up of words? Of course, so why not create a delicious mash-up of beverages???

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Naturally Sweetened Coffee Creamer

Naturally Sweetened Coffee Creamer

My husband is one of those “I’ll have a little coffee with my creamer” kind of guys. In fact, I’m pretty sure he would never drink coffee if it wasn’t loaded with sweetened creamer. As we continue to pursue a healthier lifestyle, I can no longer ignore the ingredients of store-bought creame French vanilla creamer … Read more Naturally Sweetened Coffee Creamer


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