Mjuk Pepparkaka Swedish Gingerbread Gluten Free

Gingerbread is one of those smells that melts my heart. It brings up images of Laura Ingalls, Norman Rockwell, and Hallmark movies. All fall and winter my simmer pot is filled with cloves, cinnamon, and ginger. It fragrances the air without chemicals (read the label of your air freshener!) and adds humidity to combat dryness … Read more Mjuk Pepparkaka Swedish Gingerbread Gluten Free

Filmjölkslimpa Swedish Bread Gluten Free

Anyone who has traveled to Europe knows that the bread selection in every grocery store is vast and varied, putting American bakeries to shame. Bread is served as a hearty addition to basically every meal, topped with butter, a slice of cheese, and possibly a dollop of jam. Content. Happy. Yummmm. The challenge is to … Read more Filmjölkslimpa Swedish Bread Gluten Free

Rich Tomato, Vodka, and Roasted Garlic Sauce

Homemade pasta sauce puts every store bought-brand to shame. There truly is no way to replicate the combination you have simmering on the stovetop at home, and my family is always happy when a mega-batch of this sauce is ready to go.

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Rhubarb and Raspberry Crumble – Paleo-style

True confession here: I am not a huge fan of dessert. My husband grew up with a mother who baked pies, cakes, and cookies daily, and each meal – and every cup of coffee – was accompanied by some wonderful homemade treat. Honestly, I would rather eat a candy bar filled with tons of sugar, fat, and preservatives than a slice of homemade pie. But that may change!

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Chicken, Artichoke, and Cannellini Spezzatino

Chicken, Artichoke, and Cannellini Spezzatino

My mother-in-law was not a fan of stew. She told me on several occasions that stew is for people who are “too lazy to make soup”. I (respectfully) disagree with her opinion, and believe that stew is more practical for those days when I don’t have time to cut veggies into dainty little pieces to be gracefully slurped along with copious amounts of broth. Give me something thick and hearty. And sooner, rather than later!

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